Over the years, installations have become more and more complex. Technology improvements and equipment maintenance have had to adapt to the nature of an ever changing environment with constant modifications to today´s needs and requirements. For this reason, it is very important to take into consideration a software tool which helps manage maintenance services within a firm, which is known as CMMS. What is a CMMS system though?
“CMMS stands for Computer Maintenance Management Systems”
It is a computerised system which allows the management of installations maintenance within a company. It can be preventive, corrective, predictive…
An adequate maintenance procedure is pivotal for the proper function of buildings and equipment. This is how their efficiency and durability is guaranteed, being able to extend the useful life of each element.
Maintenance allows for optimizing use of installations and its components, achieving products objectives at a decent cost and, therefore, having the expected return. It is essential to bear in mind that costs due to lack of maintenance could be devastating for the operating earnings. Both due to inactivity times and repair prices in changing equipment.
Advantages of using a CMMS system can be embodied in two main pillars:
- Management of information which eases both efficiency and prevision when it comes to action
- Productivity boost, derived from the first advantage.
However, what are the advantages of a CMMS system?
- Tool management
- Stock management regarding spare parts, with alert notices when stock levels are running out and even generating a purchase order for such material.
- Cost and time reduction due to a much more efficient flow of information.
- Damaged equipment record
- Works assigned for an exhaustive documentation and execution times control.
- A more effective subcontracted activity
Main CMMS system functions
- Order tracking: maintenance technicians can choose the equipment to be checked and send a worker to carry out the job. When machinery has been checked, the worker marks the order as “complete” so the technician who sent the order can receive a notification through the system.
- Task planning: CMMS system is highly effective due to its meeting planning option as well as reminders which are sent to technicians in order for them to be aware of when and where to perform.
- External work requests: when there is an emergency concerning a faulty machine, a notice is sent directly through the system so the maintenance technician is aware at all times of the corrective maintenance plan.
- Equipment and installations record: many maintenance teams do have to burden a very long record of installations and machinery which need to be repaired. This tool allows for information analysis which provides highly valuable information such as: date of last check, a picture of the equipment or a direct access for the client to see what the installation looks like.
- Management of inventory: maintenance teams need to manage and store a vast amount of material which include tiny spare pieces and other components. Hence, CMMS system allows each technician to accurately see which material has been used during the maintenance, how much stock is available to use and even send a notification when stock is running out.
To sum up, a CMMS is presented as an ideal integral solution for management of processes implied in the maintenance of industrial installations.
If you wish to know more about this topic or need any clarification, please contact us. We will be glad to answer your doubts!